INFRAMIX final event

INFRAMIX held its online final event on 26th May 2020. INFRAMIX has analyzed, designed, implemented and evaluated various physical and digital solutions, in order to guarantee the traffic efficiency, safety as well as the users’ appreciation and acceptance. The focus of the project was on three scenarios, i.e. three main challenges of traffic management on highways: dynamic lane assignment, roadwork zones and bottleneck.

After three years of cooperation, the INFRAMIX partners presented the project results fostering a safer and more efficient mixed traffic of conventional, connected and automated vehicles. These outcomes include, but are not limited to:

  • physical and digital infrastructure
  • ISAD classes
  • traffic estimation and control strategies
  • simulations and safety performance criteria
  • hybrid testing.

INFRAMIX reached quite promising users’ appreciation, opening the way to the adoption and integration of the project solutions in the wider Connected and Automated Driving panorama. Also, INFRAMIX roadmap shed some light into the future of hybrid road infrastructure towards fully automated transport systems.

Have a look at the final agenda. You can also retrieve presentations by our speakers and panellists.

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